We’ve got it covered.
Huntsman Building Solutions (HBS) are pioneers in the world of spray foam insulation. With over 110 years of heritage, they’ve developed some of the most energy-efficient insulation around. Helping businesses and homes dramatically reduce their energy bills, whilst lowering their carbon footprint in the process.
However, the world of spray foam insulation has developed a somewhat bad reputation of late. Poor installation, re-mortgaging issues, and bad press have all contributed to a decline in demand across the industry.
HBS wanted to get on the front foot, shifting gears by dispelling the myths and educating consumers on the benefits of the technology - when installed correctly.
In response, we developed HBS’ first-ever UK consumer campaign - We’ve got it covered. Aiming to simplify, reassure and reposition spray foam as a credible energy-saving measure. Making it as appealingly straightforward as picking a smart thermostat for your home - but with some serious savings (up to 56% savings on your heating bills).
We developed a messaging platform that aimed to educate the consumer - talking-up the benefits, and breaking-down the practicalities of installation - in plain English.
Campaign photography focussed on humanising the product, with 2D animation and CGI motion assets used to illustrate the benefits and behaviour of the spray foam.
Campaign content was then delivered across the HBS website, key social channels, a series of explainer films and a TVC.
The campaign is being rolled out across Europe and APAC throughout 2024.
Campaign concept
Art direction
Film direction
Motion and CGI direction -
Agency — Good
Role — Design Director
Campaign photography – Reuben Paris
Filming and production – Made by Stella
CGI/motion – Lukas Thorup
© Good